No Cost Fundraising

Help our school at No Cost to you!

FRY’S COMMUNITY REWARDS: How to link your Fry’s V.I.P card to Sacred Heart Catholic School

PLEASE NOTE:  Before you can link your Fry’s V.I.P card to our school, you must have an email address and have your password available.

Step 1: Creating an Online Fry’s Account   **NOTE: If you already have an online Fry’s account, skip to #2

  1. Go to
  2. Select ‘If not, click here to create one.’‘
  3. Under Sign-In information, enter your email and create a password. (Write these down for Step 2!)
  4. Select your preferred store.
  5. Enter your Fry’s V.I.P card number, last name, and zip.
  6. You may be prompted to check your email for a confirmation.
  7. Click the hyperlink in the confirmation email to finish creating your Online Fry’s Account.
  8. Continue to step #2 to register for the Fry’s Community Rewards Program of your choice.

STEP 2: Register for the Fry’s Community Rewards Program

  1. Go to Select ‘Sign-In’.
  2. Enter your email and password then select ‘sign in’. (Go back to Step 1 if you need to create these!)
  3. Select ‘Account Summary’ on the left-hand side.
  4. Scroll down to Community Rewards and click on “Re-Enroll”. If prompted, enter personal information.
  5. Enter Sacred Heart Catholic School and click on Search.
  6. Under ‘Select Your Organization’: Click the circle next to Sacred Heart Catholic School.
  7. Then select ‘save changes’.
  8. If you have registered correctly, you should now see your organization information listed under ‘Community Rewards’ on your Account Summary page.

The link between your Frys VIP Card and Sacred Heart Catholic School has to be renewed each year.  August is the best time. Please keep track of that Community Rewards account email and password! Once linked properly to Sacred Heart, you should see it listed at the end of your receipt – check for this!

Fry’s Community Rewards:

Thank you for your good stewardship!



 Clip BoxTop$ coupons from over 250 products: General Mills, Betty Crocker, Progresso, Pillsbury and many more. Become a super contributor: link your Frys and Safeway cards for additional e-box tops, or go to and earn online as well.  This program provides cash to our school.